O2 build fails at asiofi in ubuntu 20.04

Dear Experts,

My O2 build fails when building asiofi. The error is quite strange - stating that my system has a suitable version of OFI of 1.6.2 and the minimum required is 1.6.0, but it still fails. The log is here: https://cernbox.cern.ch/index.php/s/nyi4dY5viQKId8R

I’d appreciate any hint on how to fix it (or, perhaps, which package I should uninstall from the system to force aliBuild to build OFI itself).

The output of aliDoctor is:

L5300:~/software/alice$ aliDoctor O2 --defaults o2 SUCCESS: Required package openmp will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package libuv will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package lz4 will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package utf8proc will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package zlib will be picked up from the system. WARNING: Package flatbuffers cannot be picked up from the system and will be built by aliBuild. WARNING: This is due to the fact the following script fails: WARNING: WARNING: brew() { true; }; which flatc && printf "#include \"flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h\"\nint main(){}" | c++ -I$(brew --prefix flatbuffers)/include -xc++ -std=c++11 - -o /dev/null WARNING: WARNING: with the following output: WARNING: WARNING: flatbuffers: /usr/bin/flatc WARNING: flatbuffers: <stdin>:1:10: fatal error: flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h: No such file or directory WARNING: flatbuffers: compilation terminated. WARNING: flatbuffers: WARNING: WARNING: Package CMake cannot be picked up from the system and will be built by aliBuild. WARNING: This is due to the fact the following script fails: WARNING: WARNING: brew() { true; }; verge() { [[ "$1" = "echo -e “$1\n$2” | sort -V | head -n1" ]]; } WARNING: type cmake && verge 3.18.0 cmake --version | sed -e ‘s/.* //’ | cut -d. -f1,2,3&& ! verge 3.19.0cmake --version | sed -e ‘s/.* //’ | cut -d. -f1,2,3# Block CMake 3.19, currently incompatible with CUDA compilation WARNING: WARNING: with the following output: WARNING: WARNING: CMake: /bin/bash: line 1: type: cmake: not found WARNING: CMake: WARNING: SUCCESS: Package yaml-cpp will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package GCC-Toolchain will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package ZeroMQ will be picked up from the system. WARNING: Package OpenSSL cannot be picked up from the system and will be built by aliBuild. WARNING: This is due to the fact the following script fails: WARNING: WARNING: brew() { true; }; if [uname= Darwin ]; then test -dbrew --prefix openssl || echo /dev/nope || exit 1; fi; echo '#include <openssl/bio.h>' | c++ -x c++ - -Ibrew --prefix openssl/include -c -o /dev/null || exit 1; echo -e "#include <openssl/opensslv.h>\n#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L\n#error \"System's GCC cannot be used: we need OpenSSL 1.0.x to build XrootD. We are going to compile our own version.\"\n#endif\nint main() { }" | cc -x c++ - -Ibrew --prefix openssl/include -c -o /dev/null || exit 1 WARNING: WARNING: with the following output: WARNING: WARNING: OpenSSL: <stdin>:3:2: error: #error "System's GCC cannot be used: we need OpenSSL 1.0.x to build XrootD. We are going to compile our own version." WARNING: OpenSSL: WARNING: SUCCESS: Package GLFW will be picked up from the system. WARNING: Package FreeType cannot be picked up from the system and will be built by aliBuild. WARNING: This is due to the fact the following script fails: WARNING: WARNING: brew() { true; }; printf "#include <ft2build.h>\n" | c++ -xc++ - freetype-config --cflags` -c -M 2>&1;
WARNING: if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then printf “FreeType is missing on your system.\n * On RHEL-compatible systems you probably need: freetype freetype-devel\n * On Ubuntu-compatible systems you probably need: libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev\n”; exit 1; fi
WARNING: with the following output:
WARNING: FreeType: /bin/bash: freetype-config: command not found
WARNING: FreeType: :1:10: fatal error: ft2build.h: No such file or directory
WARNING: FreeType: compilation terminated.
WARNING: FreeType: FreeType is missing on your system.
WARNING: FreeType: * On RHEL-compatible systems you probably need: freetype freetype-devel
WARNING: FreeType: * On Ubuntu-compatible systems you probably need: libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev
WARNING: FreeType:
SUCCESS: Required package system-curl will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Package autotools will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Package libpng will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Package lzma will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Package bz2 will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Required package Python-system will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Required package make will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Package GSL will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Required package opengl will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Required package Xdevel will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Package libxml2 will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Package ofi will be picked up from the system.

==> The following packages will be built by aliBuild because
usage of a system version of it is not allowed or supported, by policy:

- FairMQ 
- Python-modules 
- simulation 
- protobuf 
- O2 
- defaults-release 
- curl 
- AliEn-Runtime 
- arrow 
- asiofi 
- googlebenchmark 
- lhapdf 
- Vc 
- FairLogger 
- libInfoLogger 
- cub 
- libwebsockets 
- Python-modules-list 
- Monitoring 
- json-c 
- Ppconsul 
- GMP 
- JAliEn-ROOT 
- alibuild-recipe-tools 
- hijing 
- boost 
- ms_gsl 
- O2-customization 
- vgm 
- FairRoot 
- pythia 
- re2 
- ApMon-CPP 
- libtirpc 
- DDS 
- DebugGUI 
- fmt 
- capstone 
- MCStepLogger 
- libjalienO2 
- googletest 
- AliEn-CAs 
- Configuration 
- cgal 
- xjalienfs 
- Clang 
- Common-O2 
- fastjet 
- XRootD 
- RapidJSON 
- Alice-GRID-Utils 
- HepMC3 
- double-conversion 
- pythia6 
- generators

==> The following packages will be picked up from the system:

- lzma
- libxml2
- GCC-Toolchain
- ZeroMQ
- zlib
- autotools
- libuv
- yaml-cpp
- utf8proc
- bz2
- ofi
- libpng
- lz4

If this is not you want, you have to uninstall / unload them.

==> The following packages will be built by aliBuild because they couldn’t be picked up from the system:

- OpenSSL
- FreeType
- CMake
- flatbuffers

This is not a real issue, but it might take longer the first time you invoke aliBuild.
Look at the error messages above to get hints on what packages you need to install separately.


Just a follow-up on the solution for the benefit of others who face a similar problem.

I managed to build asiofi by uninstalling from my system the development package of OFI (libfabric-dev) and thus force aliBuild to build it itself.