Problem building QualityControl from fresh checkout

Dear experts,

with a clean QualityControl repository I get the following error when building QualityControl:

ninja: error: '/software/markus/alice/sw/ubuntu1804_x86-64/QualityControl/aliceo2-1/etc/analysisDerived.json', needed by '/software/markus/alice/sw/SOURCES/QualityControl/aliceo2/0/Modules/Example/o2-qc-example-analysis-derived.json', missing and no known rule to make it

Platform is ubuntu 18.04, but the error happens also on other systems, and alidist, O2 and QualityControl repos were checked out yesterday.

How can this be fixed?

Thanks in advance!



Hi Markus,

I am trying to reproduce it.


Hi Barth,

In the mean time I figured out it comes from Modules/Examples. It tries to access the future install path during the configuration.

Btw one other thing: I see a lot of segfaults in building O2 when creating the DPL workflow configs



For the O2 segfaults I would advise to create a different topic.


Hi @bvonhall,

Thanks for looking into it! OK, I moved the segfaults to another thread here: Segfaults when building O1



just to be able to proceed, you can comment out the Examples directory in Modules/CMakeLists.txt


To chip in a bit, I have also encountered a similar error:

ninja: error: '/home/tomas/alice/sw/ubuntu1804_x86-64/QualityControl/old-1/etc/analysisDirect.json', needed by '/home/tomas/alice/sw/SOURCES/QualityControl/old/0/Modules/Example/o2-qc-example-analysis-direct.json', missing and no known rule to make it

Commenting the Examples directory in Modules/CMakeLists.txt helped to get rid of this error. However, I only get this error when I have a different error somwhere else in my code. When I don’t have any mistakes in my code I do not get the above error even with the Examples directory not beeing comented out.

This makes me think the problem is somehow in the fact that the compiler is falsely pointing to the Example directory even though the error is somewhere else.

Hope this is somehow helpful.


Thank you Tomas,

This error is indeed more complicated than I initially thought. To reproduce it is not trivial. I have proposed a fix in the QC github. It seems that the problem lies with the dependency system of CMake that has a bug with configure_file.
