Various questions regarding the QC framework

Objects deletion
The algorithm does not touch any version during 24 hours. After this grace period, it keeps 1 version per hour. Thus it is normal that you still see objects after 1 day. Let me know if it is not clear.


Dear Barth,

thanks a lot, I think, that before I completely misunderstood. Now, if I understand correctly, the cleanup script is just used to delete some of the versions, so not to use to much space in the end. But it will always keep at least one version per hour. If I want to get rid completely of either one histogram or even a full directory, I have to take care about this by myself, this will never be done by the script. I will try to delete some of my stuff, which is not needed anymore, with the instruction in the slides you have linked above.


Dear Stefan,

You got it !
