[readout] # disable slicing into timeframes # needed if we don't have enough pages to buffer at least 1 STF per link #disableAggregatorSlicing=1 [bank-1] type=MemoryMappedFile size=2G numaNode=0 [equipment-player-1] enabled=1 equipmentType=player filePath=/home/fitdaq/work/data/test_readout_realsim05_HDdt.raw #filePath=/tmp/data.raw autoChunk=1 memoryPoolPageSize=2M memoryPoolNumberOfPages=1000 #memoryBankName=bank-1 # recording to file [consumer-rec] consumerType=fileRecorder enabled=0 fileName=/tmp/data2.raw bytesMax=200M # push to fairMQ device # currently fixed local TCP port 5555 # needs FairMQ at compile time [consumer-fmq] consumerType=FairMQDevice enabled=0 [receiver-fmq] transportType=shmem channelName=readout channelType=pair channelAddress=ipc:///tmp/readout-pipe-0 decodingMode=readout #one of: readout, none # # push to fairMQ device # # light FMQ channel implementation # # WP5-compatible output # [consumer-fmq-wp5] # # session name must match --session parameter of all O2 devices in the chain # sessionName=default # consumerType=FairMQChannel # enabled=1 # transportType=shmem # channelName=readout # channelType=push # channelAddress=ipc:///tmp/readout-pipe-0 # unmanagedMemorySize=2G # disableSending=0 # #need also a memory pool for headers and partial HBf chunks copies # memPoolNumberOfElements=400 # memPoolElementSize=128k # push to fairMQ device # light FMQ channel implementation # WP5-compatible output [consumer-fmq-wp5] consumerType=FairMQChannel # session name must match --session parameter of all O2 devices in the chain sessionName=default fmq-name=readout-out fmq-transport=shmem fmq-type=push fmq-address=ipc:///tmp/readout-pipe-0 unmanagedMemorySize=2G memoryPoolPageSize=128k memoryPoolNumberOfPages=1000 enabled=1 disableSending=0 [consumer-stats] consumerType=stats enabled=1 monitoringEnabled=0 monitoringUpdatePeriod=1 consoleUpdate=1