[INFO] This is o2-sim version 1.2.0 (b353a7bfd) [INFO] Built by ALIBUILD:v1.12.0, ALIDIST-REV:480064f70fa4c54162d4278a797361cf6422257b on OS:Linux-5.4.0-126-generic [INFO] BINDING TO ADDRESS ipc:///tmp/o2sim-notifications-6162 type pub [INFO] Running with 2 sim workers [INFO] CREATING SIM SHARED MEM SEGMENT FOR 2 WORKERS Spawning particle server on PID 6181; Redirect output to o2sim_serverlog Spawning sim worker 0 on PID 6183; Redirect output to o2sim_workerlog0 Spawning hit merger on PID 6184; Redirect output to o2sim_mergerlog [INFO] Process 6183 EXITED WITH CODE 0 SIGNALED 1 SIGNAL 6 [INFO] Problem detected (or child received termination signal) ... shutting down whole system [INFO] TERMINATING 6181 [INFO] TERMINATING 6183 [INFO] TERMINATING 6184 [ERROR] SHUTTING DOWN DUE TO SIGNALED EXIT IN COMPONENT 6183 [INFO] Merger process 6184 returned [INFO] Simulation process took 7.95606 s