I have problem with alibuild o2physics,when i execute order (alibuid build o2physics),it will report an error,reinstalling the system and deleting entire folders is not useful.
Here’s what’s wrong .
Building O2@nightly-20220712
==> O2 is being built (use --debug for full output): failed
ERROR: Error while executing /home/lh/alice/sw/SPECS/ubuntu2004_x86-64/O2/nightly-20220712-local1/build.sh on `lh-OptiPlex-7050’.
ERROR: Log can be found in /home/lh/alice/sw/BUILD/O2-latest/log
ERROR: Please upload it to CERNBox/Dropbox if you intend to request sup
ERROR: Build directory is /home/lh/alice/sw/BUILD/O2-latest/O2.
I am facing the errors while compiling O2Physics in ubuntu 20.04 LTS:
==> Building O2@b1b84fa548
==> O2 is being built (use --debug for full output): failed
ERROR: Error while executing /home/debasish/home/debasish/Documents/a-install/sw/SPECS/ubuntu2004_x86-64/O2/b1b84fa548-local1/build.sh on `debasish-Latitude-3520’.
ERROR: Log can be found in /home/debasish/home/debasish/Documents/a-install/sw/BUILD/O2-latest/log
ERROR: Please upload it to CERNBox/Dropbox if you intend to request support.
ERROR: Build directory is /home/debasish/home/debasish/Documents/a-install/sw/BUILD/O2-latest/O2.
ERROR: Note that you have packages in development mode.
ERROR: Devel sources are not updated automatically, you must do it by hand.
ERROR: This problem might be due to one or more outdated devel sources.
ERROR: To update all development packages required for this build it is usually sufficient to do:
ERROR: ( cd O2 && git pull --rebase )
I have attached the log file, any help will be highly appreciated,