Dear all,
i was trying to install O2Physics on a remote machine CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 where i don’t have root permission (i usually work on Mac and i have never had such problems). So following the guide ii have installed aliBuild with “python3 -m pip install alibuild --upgrade --user” inserted the usual lines in the .bashrc, typed the usual initialization command “aliBuild init O2Physics@master” and launched the installation with “aliBuild build O2Physics --defaults o2”. However i get stucked at arrow (i used ******** to censor my path):
==> Building arrow@v14.0.1-alice1
==> arrow is being built (use --debug for full output): failed
ERROR: Error while executing ********/alice/sw/SPECS/slc7_x86-64/arrow/v14.0.1-alice1-local1/ on `*********'.
ERROR: Log can be found in *********/alice/sw/BUILD/arrow-latest/log
ERROR: Please upload it to CERNBox/Dropbox if you intend to request support.
ERROR: Build directory is *********/alice/sw/BUILD/arrow-latest/arrow.
Is there a solution?
Thank you in advance.
This is the content of the log (i had to cut here and there to stay within the 32k characters):
++ mkdir -p ********/alice/sw/INSTALLROOT/525a8717261acc2920cadf245f8a45769b89d3ae/slc7_x86-64/arrow/v14.0.1-alice1-local1
++ case $ARCHITECTURE in
++ SONAME=so
++ mkdir -p ./src_tmp
++ rsync -a '--exclude=**/.git' --delete --delete-excluded ********/alice/sw/SOURCES/arrow/v14.0.1-alice1/apache-arrow-14.0.1-alice1/ ./src_tmp/
++ case $ARCHITECTURE in
++ CLANG_EXECUTABLE= ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/Clang/v15.0.7-local1/bin-safe/clang
++ sed -i.deleteme '/^[[:space:]]*extern/ a \ \ \ \ \ \ llvm*; LLVM*;' ./src_tmp/cpp/src/gandiva/
++ cmake ./src_tmp/cpp -DARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE=SYSTEM -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=TRUE -DARROW_BUILD_BENCHMARKS=OFF -DARROW_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DARROW_ENABLE_TIMING_TESTS=OFF -DARROW_USE_GLOG=OFF -DARROW_JEMALLOC=OFF -DARROW_HDFS=OFF -DARROW_IPC=ON -DFlatbuffers_ROOT= ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/flatbuffers/v1.12.0-39 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib -DARROW_WITH_LZ4=ON -DRapidJSON_ROOT= ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/RapidJSON/v1.1.0-alice2-54 -DRE2_ROOT= ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/re2/2019-09-01-76 -DProtobuf_LIBRARY= ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/protobuf/v21.9-27/lib/ -DProtobuf_LITE_LIBRARY=/lustrehome ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/protobuf/v21.9-27/lib/ -DProtobuf_PROTOC_LIBRARY= ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/protobuf/v21.9-27/lib/ -DProtobuf_INCLUDE_DIR= ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/protobuf/v21.9-27/include -DProtobuf_PROTOC_EXECUTABLE= ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/protobuf/v21.9-27/bin/protoc -DBoost_ROOT= ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/boost/v1.83.0-alice2-local1 -DLZ4_ROOT= ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/lz4/v1.9.3-47 -Dutf8proc_ROOT= ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/utf8proc/v2.6.1-31 -DOpenSSL_ROOT= ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/OpenSSL/v1.1.1m-21 -DLLVM_DIR= ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/Clang/v15.0.7-local1 -DARROW_WITH_SNAPPY=OFF -DARROW_WITH_ZSTD=OFF -DARROW_WITH_BROTLI=OFF -DARROW_WITH_ZLIB=ON -DARROW_NO_DEPRECATED_API=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= ********/alice/sw/INSTALLROOT/525a8717261acc2920cadf245f8a45769b89d3ae/slc7_x86-64/arrow/v14.0.1-alice1-local1 -DARROW_PYTHON=OFF -DARROW_TENSORFLOW=ON -DARROW_GANDIVA=ON -DARROW_COMPUTE=ON -DARROW_BUILD_STATIC=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=ON -DCLANG_EXECUTABLE= ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/Clang/v15.0.7-local1/bin-safe/clang
-- Building using CMake version: 3.28.1
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/GCC-Toolchain/v12.2.0-alice1-12/bin/cc - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/GCC-Toolchain/v12.2.0-alice1-12/bin/c++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Arrow version: 14.0.1 (full: '14.0.1')
-- Arrow SO version: 1400 (full: 1400.1.0)
-- clang-tidy 14 not found
-- clang-format 14 not found
-- Could NOT find ClangTools (missing: CLANG_FORMAT_BIN CLANG_TIDY_BIN)
-- infer not found
-- Could NOT find Python3 (missing: Interpreter)
Reason given by package:
Interpreter: Cannot run the interpreter "/usr/bin/python3"
fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /lustrehome)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
-- Found cpplint executable at ********/alice/sw/BUILD/525a8717261acc2920cadf245f8a45769b89d3ae/arrow/src_tmp/cpp/build-support/
Environment variable BOOST_ROOT is set to:
For compatibility, find_package is ignoring the variable, but code in a
.cmake module might still use it.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake_modules/ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake:1260 (resolve_dependency)
CMakeLists.txt:542 (include)
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
-- Found Boost: ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/boost/v1.83.0-alice2-local1/lib/cmake/Boost-1.83.0/BoostConfig.cmake (found suitable version "1.83.0", minimum required is "1.58")
-- Boost include dir: ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/boost/v1.83.0-alice2-local1/include
CMake Warning (dev) at cmake_modules/FindOpenSSLAlt.cmake:53 (find_package):
Policy CMP0144 is not set: find_package uses upper-case <PACKAGENAME>_ROOT
variables. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0144" for policy details. Use the
cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Environment variable OPENSSL_ROOT is set to:
For compatibility, find_package is ignoring the variable, but code in a
.cmake module might still use it.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake_modules/ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake:296 (find_package)
cmake_modules/ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake:1459 (resolve_dependency)
CMakeLists.txt:542 (include)
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
-- Found OpenSSL: ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/OpenSSL/v1.1.1m-21/lib/ (found suitable version "1.1.1m", minimum required is "1.0.2")
-- Providing CMake module for OpenSSLAlt as part of Arrow CMake package
-- Found OpenSSL Crypto Library: ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/OpenSSL/v1.1.1m-21/lib/
-- Building with OpenSSL (Version: 1.1.1m) support
CMake Warning (dev) at cmake_modules/ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake:296 (find_package):
Policy CMP0144 is not set: find_package uses upper-case <PACKAGENAME>_ROOT
variables. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0144" for policy details. Use the
cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Environment variable XSIMD_ROOT is set to:
For compatibility, find_package is ignoring the variable, but code in a
.cmake module might still use it.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake_modules/ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake:2377 (resolve_dependency)
CMakeLists.txt:542 (include)
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
-- xsimd found. Headers: ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/xsimd/8.1.0-local1/include
-- Found ZLIB: ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/zlib/v1.2.8-118/lib/ (found version "1.2.8")
CMake Warning (dev) at cmake_modules/Findlz4Alt.cmake:29 (find_package):
Policy CMP0144 is not set: find_package uses upper-case <PACKAGENAME>_ROOT
variables. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0144" for policy details. Use the
cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
CMake variable LZ4_ROOT is set to:
Environment variable LZ4_ROOT is set to:
For compatibility, find_package is ignoring the variable, but code in a
.cmake module might still use it.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake_modules/ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake:296 (find_package)
cmake_modules/ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake:2468 (resolve_dependency)
CMakeLists.txt:542 (include)
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning at cmake_modules/Findlz4Alt.cmake:29 (find_package):
By not providing "Findlz4.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "lz4", but
CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "lz4" with any of
the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "lz4" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "lz4_DIR"
to a directory containing one of the above files. If "lz4" provides a
separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake_modules/ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake:296 (find_package)
cmake_modules/ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake:2468 (resolve_dependency)
CMakeLists.txt:542 (include)
-- Found lz4Alt: ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/lz4/v1.9.3-47/lib/
-- Providing CMake module for lz4Alt as part of Arrow CMake package
CMake Warning (dev) at cmake_modules/Findre2Alt.cmake:29 (find_package):
Policy CMP0144 is not set: find_package uses upper-case <PACKAGENAME>_ROOT
variables. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0144" for policy details. Use the
cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Environment variable RE2_ROOT is set to:
For compatibility, find_package is ignoring the variable, but code in a
.cmake module might still use it.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake_modules/ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake:296 (find_package)
cmake_modules/ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake:2585 (resolve_dependency)
CMakeLists.txt:542 (include)
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
-- Providing CMake module for re2Alt as part of Arrow CMake package
CMake Warning (dev) at cmake_modules/ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake:296 (find_package):
Policy CMP0144 is not set: find_package uses upper-case <PACKAGENAME>_ROOT
variables. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0144" for policy details. Use the
cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Environment variable UTF8PROC_ROOT is set to:
For compatibility, find_package is ignoring the variable, but code in a
.cmake module might still use it.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake_modules/ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake:2695 (resolve_dependency)
CMakeLists.txt:542 (include)
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
-- Found utf8proc: ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/utf8proc/v2.6.1-31/lib/ (found suitable version "2.6.1", minimum required is "2.2.0")
-- Providing CMake module for utf8proc as part of Arrow CMake package
-- Found hdfs.h at: ********/alice/sw/BUILD/525a8717261acc2920cadf245f8a45769b89d3ae/arrow/src_tmp/cpp/thirdparty/hadoop/include/hdfs.h
-- All bundled static libraries:
-- CMAKE_C_FLAGS: -fPIC -O2 -Wall -fno-semantic-interposition -msse4.2
-- CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS: -Wno-noexcept-type -fPIC -O2 -std=c++20 -fdiagnostics-color=always -Wall -fno-semantic-interposition -msse4.2
-- CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE: -O3 -DNDEBUG -O2 -ftree-vectorize
-- CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE: -O3 -DNDEBUG -O2 -ftree-vectorize
-- Looking for backtrace
-- Looking for backtrace - found
-- backtrace facility detected in default set of libraries
-- Found Backtrace: /usr/include
CMake Warning at cmake_modules/FindLLVMAlt.cmake:58 (find_package):
Could not find a configuration file for package "LLVM" that is compatible
with requested version "17.0".
The following configuration files were considered but not accepted:
********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/Clang/v15.0.7-local1/lib/cmake/llvm/LLVMConfig.cmake, version: 15.0.7
Call Stack (most recent call first):
src/gandiva/CMakeLists.txt:28 (find_package)
CMake Warning at cmake_modules/FindLLVMAlt.cmake:58 (find_package):
Could not find a configuration file for package "LLVM" that is compatible
with requested version "16.0".
The following configuration files were considered but not accepted:
********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/Clang/v15.0.7-local1/lib/cmake/llvm/LLVMConfig.cmake, version: 15.0.7
Call Stack (most recent call first):
src/gandiva/CMakeLists.txt:28 (find_package)
-- Performing Test Terminfo_LINKABLE
-- Performing Test Terminfo_LINKABLE - Success
-- Found Terminfo: /usr/lib64/
CMake Warning (dev) at ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/Clang/v15.0.7-local1/lib/cmake/llvm/LLVMConfig.cmake:173 (find_package):
Policy CMP0144 is not set: find_package uses upper-case <PACKAGENAME>_ROOT
variables. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0144" for policy details. Use the
cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Environment variable LIBXML2_ROOT is set to:
For compatibility, find_package is ignoring the variable, but code in a
.cmake module might still use it.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake_modules/FindLLVMAlt.cmake:58 (find_package)
src/gandiva/CMakeLists.txt:28 (find_package)
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
-- Found LibXml2: /usr/lib64/ (found version "2.9.1")
-- Found LLVMAlt: 15.0.7
-- Using LLVMConfig.cmake in: ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/Clang/v15.0.7-local1/lib/cmake/llvm
-- Found llvm-link ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/Clang/v15.0.7-local1/bin/llvm-link
-- Found clang ********/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/Clang/v15.0.7-local1/bin-safe/clang
-- Providing CMake module for LLVMAlt as part of Gandiva CMake package
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Arrow version: 14.0.1
-- Build configuration summary:
-- Generator: Unix Makefiles
-- Build type: RELEASE
-- Source directory: ********/alice/sw/BUILD/525a8717261acc2920cadf245f8a45769b89d3ae/arrow/src_tmp/cpp
-- Install prefix: ********/alice/sw/INSTALLROOT/525a8717261acc2920cadf245f8a45769b89d3ae/slc7_x86-64/arrow/v14.0.1-alice1-local1
-- Compile and link options:
-- ARROW_CXXFLAGS="" [default=""]
-- Compiler flags to append when compiling Arrow
-- Build static libraries
-- Build shared libraries
-- ARROW_PACKAGE_KIND="" [default=""]
-- Arbitrary string that identifies the kind of package
-- (for informational purposes)
-- ARROW_GIT_ID="" [default=""]
-- The Arrow git commit id (if any)
-- ARROW_GIT_DESCRIPTION="" [default=""]
-- The Arrow git commit description (if any)
-- Exclude deprecated APIs from build
-- Whether to create position-independent target
-- Use ccache when compiling (if available)
-- Use sccache when compiling (if available),
-- takes precedence over ccache if a storage backend is configured
-- Use for linking on Linux (if available)
-- Use precompiled headers when compiling
-- Compile-time SIMD optimization level
-- Max runtime SIMD optimization level
-- ARROW_ALTIVEC=ON [default=ON]
-- Build with Altivec if compiler has support
-- Build Arrow libraries with RATH set to $ORIGIN
-- Build Arrow libraries with install_name set to @rpath
-- Pass -ggdb flag to debug builds
-- Whether the system libc is musl or not
-- Enable threading in Arrow core
-- Test and benchmark options:
-- Build the Arrow examples
-- Build the Arrow googletest unit tests
-- Enable timing-sensitive tests
-- Build the Arrow integration test executables
-- Build the Arrow micro benchmarks
-- Build the Arrow micro reference benchmarks
-- Build the Arrow benchmarks that rely on OpenMP
-- Build benchmarks that do a longer exploration of performance
-- ARROW_TEST_LINKAGE=shared [default=shared|static]
-- Linkage of Arrow libraries with unit tests executables.
-- Build Arrow Fuzzing executables
-- Enable unit tests which use large memory
-- Lint options:
-- Only define the lint and check-format targets
-- If off, 'quiet' flags will be passed to linting tools
-- Build with C++ code coverage enabled
-- Checks options:
-- Run the test suite using valgrind --tool=memcheck
-- Enable Address Sanitizer checks
-- Enable Thread Sanitizer checks
-- Enable Undefined Behavior sanitizer checks
-- Project component options:
-- ARROW_ACERO=OFF [default=OFF]
-- Build the Arrow Acero Engine Module
-- ARROW_AZURE=OFF [default=OFF]
-- Build Arrow with Azure support (requires the Azure SDK for C++)
-- Build Arrow commandline utilities
-- Build all Arrow Compute kernels
-- ARROW_CSV=OFF [default=OFF]
-- Build the Arrow CSV Parser Module
-- ARROW_CUDA=OFF [default=OFF]
-- Build the Arrow CUDA extensions (requires CUDA toolkit)
-- Build the Arrow Dataset Modules
-- Build the Arrow Filesystem Layer
-- Build the Arrow Flight RPC System (requires GRPC, Protocol Buffers)
-- Build the Arrow Flight SQL extension
-- Build the Gandiva libraries
-- ARROW_GCS=OFF [default=OFF]
-- Build Arrow with GCS support (requires the GCloud SDK for C++)
-- ARROW_HDFS=OFF [default=OFF]
-- Build the Arrow HDFS bridge
-- ARROW_IPC=ON [default=ON]
-- Build the Arrow IPC extensions
-- Build the Arrow jemalloc-based allocator
-- ARROW_JSON=OFF [default=OFF]
-- Build Arrow with JSON support (requires RapidJSON)
-- Build the Arrow mimalloc-based allocator
-- Build the Parquet libraries
-- ARROW_ORC=OFF [default=OFF]
-- Build the Arrow ORC adapter
-- Build some components needed by PyArrow.
-- (This is a deprecated option. Use CMake presets instead.)
-- ARROW_S3=OFF [default=OFF]
-- Build Arrow with S3 support (requires the AWS SDK for C++)
-- Build the Skyhook libraries
-- Build the Arrow Substrait Consumer Module
-- Build Arrow with TensorFlow support enabled
-- Build the Arrow testing libraries
-- Thirdparty toolchain options:
-- Method to use for acquiring arrow's build dependencies
-- Show output from ExternalProjects rather than just logging to files
-- Link to shared libraries
-- Rely on Boost shared libraries where relevant
-- Rely on Brotli shared libraries where relevant
-- Rely on Bz2 shared libraries where relevant
-- Rely on GFlags shared libraries where relevant
-- Rely on gRPC shared libraries where relevant
-- Rely on jemalloc shared libraries where relevant
-- Rely on LLVM shared libraries where relevant
-- Rely on lz4 shared libraries where relevant
-- Rely on OpenSSL shared libraries where relevant
-- Rely on Protocol Buffers shared libraries where relevant
-- Rely on snappy shared libraries where relevant
-- Rely on thrift shared libraries where relevant
-- Rely on utf8proc shared libraries where relevant
-- Rely on zstd shared libraries where relevant
-- Build libraries with glog support for pluggable logging
-- Build with backtrace support
-- Build libraries with OpenTelemetry support for distributed tracing
-- Build with Brotli compression
-- ARROW_WITH_BZ2=OFF [default=OFF]
-- Build with BZ2 compression
-- ARROW_WITH_LZ4=ON [default=OFF]
-- Build with lz4 compression
-- Build with Snappy compression
-- Build with zlib compression
-- Build with zstd compression
-- Build with UCX transport for Arrow Flight
-- (only used if ARROW_FLIGHT is ON)
-- Build with support for Unicode properties using the utf8proc library
-- (only used if ARROW_COMPUTE is ON or ARROW_GANDIVA is ON)
-- ARROW_WITH_RE2=ON [default=ON]
-- Build with support for regular expressions using the re2 library
-- (only used if ARROW_COMPUTE or ARROW_GANDIVA is ON)
-- Parquet options:
-- Depend only on Thirdparty headers to build libparquet.
-- Always OFF if building binaries
-- Build the Parquet executable CLI tools. Requires static libraries to be built.
-- Build the Parquet examples. Requires static libraries to be built.
-- Build support for encryption. Fail if OpenSSL is not found
-- Gandiva options:
-- Include -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc when linking with
-- Gandiva static libraries
-- ARROW_GANDIVA_PC_CXX_FLAGS="" [default=""]
-- Compiler flags to append when pre-compiling Gandiva operations
-- Advanced developer options:
-- Compile with extra error context (line numbers, code)
-- If enabled install ONLY targets that have already been built. Please be
-- advised that if this is enabled 'install' will fail silently on components
-- that have not been built
-- ARROW_GDB_INSTALL_DIR="" [default=""]
-- Use a custom install directory for GDB plugin.
-- In general, you don't need to specify this because the default
-- is reasonable.
-- Outputting build configuration summary to ********/alice/sw/BUILD/525a8717261acc2920cadf245f8a45769b89d3ae/arrow/cmake_summary.json
-- Configuring done (24.5s)
-- Generating done (0.7s)
CMake Warning:
Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:
-- Build files have been written to: ********/alice/sw/BUILD/525a8717261acc2920cadf245f8a45769b89d3ae/arrow
++ make -j 4
[ 0%] Built target toolchain
[ 82%] Building C object src/arrow/CMakeFiles/arrow_objlib.dir/vendored/uriparser/UriShorten.c.o
[ 82%] Built target arrow_objlib
make: *** [all] Error 2