Failed to compile arrow@v17.0.0-alice6 package during O2Physics update


I have some troubles updating O2Physics on my Mac (Intel 9) because of the arrow package. I tried to update my Mac, XCode, reinstall the dependencies but it failed every time at 54% of the compilation of this package arrow@v17.0.0-alice6.

I currently have the Mac Sonoma 14.6.1 version, and Xcode 15.4

Here is the error I have on my terminal :
==> Building arrow@v17.0.0-alice6 ==> arrow is being built (use --debug for full output): failed ERROR: Error while executing /Users/emiliebarreau/alice/sw/SPECS/osx_x86-64/arrow/v17.0.0-alice6-local1/ on `'. ERROR: Log can be found in /Users/emiliebarreau/alice/sw/BUILD/arrow-latest/log ERROR: Please upload it to CERNBox/Dropbox if you intend to request support. ERROR: Build directory is /Users/emiliebarreau/alice/sw/BUILD/arrow-latest/arrow.

Here is the log.
arrow.log (456.9 KB)

Thank you for your help.

Dear Emilie,

I have the same issue as you. Did you find a solution by now?



Yes I managed to fix it by upgrading Xcode to 16.0 version. I had to upgrade CommandLineTool as well (here is a link juste in case : macos - How to update Xcode Command Line Tools? - Stack Overflow)

