Formatting issues with clang-format

Dear experts,
during the approval of a pull request I applied the clang-format according to these instructions:

Once I pushed my modifications to my O2 fork (I had a PR opened already), the clang-format check failed because I had some lines longer than 120 characters. I split the lines manually and then I reapplied the clang-format with the same instructions above in order to have a good indentation.

Is this normal or is there a possibility to make clang-format script (run locally on my pc) splitting the lines automatically? I remember that I’ve never had issues with lines longer than 120 chars before yesterday (I see from PRs that probably the online checker of clang has been changed recently).

Thanks, best,

We removed the check actually, since too many complained (despite the fact it’s in our guidelines). If you rebase, you should be fine.

That said, I suggest using an editor which splits longs lines, rather than relying on an external tool.

Thank you @eulisse. I will follow the suggestion :slight_smile: