Grid certificate problem on MacOS Sonoma after O2 rebuild

Dear experts,

This morning I have recompiled O2, and am now having issues with my grid certificate.

Specifically, alien-token-init fails with the message:

Could NOT establish connection (TCP socket) to
TypeError("create_connected_sock() got an unexpected keyword argument 'async_dns'")
Check the logfile: /Users/kaareendrup/alien_py.log
Check the logfile: /Users/kaareendrup/alien_py.log
Could not get a websocket connection to

with the attached logfile showing the same keyword argument error.

I am not sure what to do, maybe some package needs updating?

For information, checkAddr shows FAIL for 1-4 addresses, but how many and which ones changes with each execution.

Kind regards,

alien_py.log (713 Bytes)

There is no problem with the certificate. One dependency of alienpy released a backward incompatible version and the fix is waiting merging in alienpy 1.6.3 :: fix incompatible dependency by adriansev · Pull Request #5601 · alisw/alidist · GitHub
A temporary workaround is to have in the environment

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That explains why I didn’t see anyone else with the issue. Glad to hear it was not a mistake on my end.

Worked like a charm, thank you very much!


I have the same problem actually, now I am glad that at least someone asked here. Did that solve the problem? “export ALIENPY_NO_STAGGER=1”