Grpc library not found when loading grpc module on macOS

Dear experts,

I am having a problem on macOS that when loading the grpc module via alienv the library is not found. This results i.e. in readout.exe not finding libgrpc. Examples:

mfasel-utkbook:~ markusfasel$ alienv enter Readout/latest
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) BASE/1.0                      4) Monitoring/v2.6.4-1           7) Common-O2/v1.4.6-2           10) FairLogger/v1.5.0-2          13) FairMQ/v1.4.12-1             16) grpc/v1.19.1-2
  2) boost/v1.70.0-3               5) Ppconsul/0.1.0-2              8) libInfoLogger/v1.3.7-2       11) ofi/v1.7.1-2                 14) protobuf/v3.7.1-2            17) Control-OCCPlugin/v0.12.2-1
  3) ApMon-CPP/v2.2.8-alice2-2     6) Configuration/v2.2.5-1        9) ReadoutCard/v0.18.5-1        12) asiofi/v0.3.1-2              15) c-ares/v1.15.0-2             18) Readout/latest
Use alienv list to list loaded modules. Use exit to exit this environment.

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[Readout/latest] ~ $> readout.exe
dyld: Library not loaded: libgrpc.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/markusfasel/alice/sw/osx_x86-64/grpc/v1.19.1-2/lib/libgrpc++.dylib
  Reason: image not found
Abort trap: 6
[Readout/latest] ~ $> env | grep GRPC
echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | grep grpc
[Readout/latest] ~ $> echo $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH | grep grpc

The grpc module file looks correct:

proc ModulesHelp { } {
  global version
  puts stderr "ALICE Modulefile for grpc v1.19.1-2"
set version v1.19.1-2
module-whatis "ALICE Modulefile for grpc v1.19.1-2"
# Dependencies
module load BASE/1.0                                                          \
            c-ares/v1.15.0-2        \
# Our environment
set GRPC_ROOT $::env(BASEDIR)/grpc/$version
prepend-path PATH $GRPC_ROOT/bin
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $GRPC_ROOT/lib

The problem seems to be connected that the grpc paths are not in the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, because when I set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to LD_LIBRARY_PATH the problem is gone. Do you mind setting the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH in the module file? It seems to be a recent issue which came in with the recent version of alidist.

macOS version is Catalina.

Thanks in advance!



same here!
My MAC version is Mojave 10.14.6