Installation of O2 on ubuntu 20.04 LTS

I am trying to build O2 via alibuild on ubuntu 20.04.1
I followed the instructions at including the installations of required packages. The alidist code is up-to-date.
AliDoctor indicates that it doesn’t see OpnSSL, see output below.
I tried with the default installed openssl library of ubuntu, as well as installing manually OpenSSL 1.0.2.
The FreeType libraries are apparently also not found on the computer by aliBuild although the libraries
libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev (are at version 2.10.1-2) are installed.
In any case, the AliDoctor output doesn’t change and the installation crashes at the package Lhadpf.

Let me know, if you have any suggestion, what could be the problem or what I could do ?

Thanks in advance for any help!


winn@dphnpcl107:~/alice$ aliDoctor O2 --defaults o2 >> output_aliDoctor.txt
SUCCESS: Required package curl will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Package libuv will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Package lz4 will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Package utf8proc will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Package zlib will be picked up from the system.
WARNING: Package flatbuffers cannot be picked up from the system and will be built by aliBuild.
WARNING: This is due to the fact the following script fails:
WARNING: brew() { true; }; which flatc && printf “#include “flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h”\nint main(){}” | c++ -I$(brew --prefix flatbuffers)/include -xc++ -std=c++11 - -o /dev/null
WARNING: with the following output:
WARNING: flatbuffers:
WARNING: Package CMake cannot be picked up from the system and will be built by aliBuild.
WARNING: This is due to the fact the following script fails:
WARNING: brew() { true; }; verge() { [[ “$1” = “echo -e "$1\n$2" | sort -V | head -n1” ]]; }
WARNING: type cmake && verge 3.18.0 cmake --version | sed -e 's/.* //' | cut -d. -f1,2,3
WARNING: with the following output:
WARNING: CMake: cmake is /usr/bin/cmake
SUCCESS: Package yaml-cpp will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Package GCC-Toolchain will be picked up from the system.
WARNING: Package ZeroMQ cannot be picked up from the system and will be built by aliBuild.
WARNING: This is due to the fact the following script fails:
WARNING: brew() { true; }; printf “#include <zmq.h>\n#if(ZMQ_VERSION < 40105)\n#error “zmq version >= 4.1.5 needed”\n#endif\n int main(){}” | c++ -I$(brew --prefix zeromq)/include -xc++ - -o /dev/null 2>&1
WARNING: with the following output:
WARNING: ZeroMQ: :1:10: fatal error: zmq.h: No such file or directory
WARNING: ZeroMQ: compilation terminated.
SUCCESS: Package GLFW will be picked up from the system.
WARNING: Package FreeType cannot be picked up from the system and will be built by aliBuild.
WARNING: This is due to the fact the following script fails:
WARNING: brew() { true; }; printf “#include <ft2build.h>\n” | c++ -xc++ - freetype-config --cflags -c -M 2>&1;
WARNING: if [ ? -ne 0 ]; then printf "FreeType is missing on your system.\n * On RHEL-compatible systems you probably need: freetype freetype-devel\n * On Ubuntu-compatible systems you probably need: libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev\n"; exit 1; fi WARNING: WARNING: with the following output: WARNING: WARNING: FreeType: /bin/bash: freetype-config: command not found WARNING: FreeType: <stdin>:1:10: fatal error: ft2build.h: No such file or directory WARNING: FreeType: compilation terminated. WARNING: FreeType: FreeType is missing on your system. WARNING: FreeType: * On RHEL-compatible systems you probably need: freetype freetype-devel WARNING: FreeType: * On Ubuntu-compatible systems you probably need: libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev WARNING: FreeType: WARNING: SUCCESS: Package libpng will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package lzma will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package bz2 will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Required package Python-system will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Required package make will be picked up from the system. WARNING: Package GSL cannot be picked up from the system and will be built by aliBuild. WARNING: This is due to the fact the following script fails: WARNING: WARNING: brew() { true; }; printf "#include \"gsl/gsl_version.h\"\n#define GSL_V GSL_MAJOR_VERSION * 100 + GSL_MINOR_VERSION\n# if (GSL_V < 116)\n#error \"Cannot use system's gsl. Notice we only support versions from 1.16 (included)\"\n#endif\nint main(){}" | c++ -I(brew --prefix gsl)/include -xc++ - -o /dev/null
WARNING: with the following output:
WARNING: GSL: :1:10: fatal error: gsl/gsl_version.h: No such file or directory
WARNING: GSL: compilation terminated.
SUCCESS: Required package opengl will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Required package Xdevel will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Package libxml2 will be picked up from the system.
WARNING: Package OpenSSL cannot be picked up from the system and will be built by aliBuild.
WARNING: This is due to the fact the following script fails:
WARNING: brew() { true; }; if [ uname = Darwin ]; then test -d brew --prefix openssl || echo /dev/nope || exit 1; fi; echo ‘#include <openssl/bio.h>’ | c++ -x c++ - -Ibrew --prefix openssl/include -c -o /dev/null || exit 1; echo -e “#include <openssl/opensslv.h>\n#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L\n#error “System’s GCC cannot be used: we need OpenSSL 1.0.x to build XrootD. We are going to compile our own version.”\n#endif\nint main() { }” | cc -x c++ - -Ibrew --prefix openssl/include -c -o /dev/null || exit 1
WARNING: with the following output:
WARNING: OpenSSL: :3:2: error: #error “System’s GCC cannot be used: we need OpenSSL 1.0.x to build XrootD. We are going to compile our own version.”
SUCCESS: Package autotools will be picked up from the system.
SUCCESS: Package ofi will be picked up from the system.
The following packages will be built by aliBuild because
usage of a system version of it is not allowed or supported, by policy:

  • libInfoLogger

  • GMP

  • fastjet

  • googletest

  • pythia6

  • pythia

  • Python-modules-list

  • Alice-GRID-Utils

  • capstone

  • defaults-release

  • UUID

  • Clang

  • AliEn-Runtime

  • simulation


  • googlebenchmark

  • ms_gsl

  • RapidJSON

  • lhapdf

  • libtirpc

  • protobuf

  • libwebsockets

  • MPFR

  • HepMC3

  • GEANT3

  • alibuild-recipe-tools

  • FairRoot

  • json-c

  • vgm

  • O2

  • Configuration

  • hijing

  • DDS

  • Ppconsul

  • double-conversion

  • re2

  • Common-O2


  • fmt

  • MCStepLogger

  • xjalienfs

  • arrow

  • Monitoring

  • DebugGUI

  • asiofi

  • ROOT

  • cgal

  • boost

  • GEANT4

  • Vc

  • Python-modules

  • AliEn-CAs

  • FairMQ

  • JAliEn-ROOT

  • generators

  • XRootD

  • ApMon-CPP

  • cub

  • FairLogger
    The following packages will be picked up from the system:

  • utf8proc

  • zlib

  • yaml-cpp

  • lzma

  • ofi

  • autotools

  • GLFW

  • libxml2

  • GCC-Toolchain

  • lz4

  • libuv

  • libpng

  • bz2

If this is not you want, you have to uninstall / unload them.
The following packages will be built by aliBuild because they couldn’t be picked up from the system:

  • flatbuffers
  • ZeroMQ
  • FreeType
  • CMake
  • GSL
  • OpenSSL

This is not a real issue, but it might take longer the first time you invoke aliBuild.
Look at the error messages above to get hints on what packages you need to install separately.

Hi Michael,

I had a similar issue. lhapdf apparently does not work with python 3. Therefore, on Ubuntu 20 python should be disabled automatically for lhapdf, but it not. As a temporary workaround I added the line
in alidist/ before the line where the ./configure command is executed.


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I think this might be a bug…

Actually, on Ubuntu 20 the python command is not known (there is no alias python=python3) that is why the check fails and lhapdf is build with python enabled although it shouldn’t be

Hallo Ole,

thanks a lot. In any case, it went through for lhapdf with this temporary modification in alidist!

I will let you know, if I have another issue somewhere else.
