I am successfully connecting from the outside to the official QCG via these shifter instructions. When from there I access the QCDB via the link (within “About”) to the plotUrl, I get here: https://ali-qcg.cern.ch/ccdb. Adding a /browse to the link I get to what seems the correct QCDB, but from there on all links (i.e. on all levels) are broken. When you click on a link, the part /ccdb is removed from the url and you get a “Page not found” error. If you add back the /ccdb in the url, the directory structure is actually working, and in the end you can download the objects.
Now this is a bit annoying and I would like to ask, if this can be fixed. Or if there is another way to access the correct QCDB. I tried with the link provided on the shifter instructions page, but this lead here and seems not correct.
that link I actually had tried as well and it was leading nowhere. Now it is working, no idea what changed…
In any case, thanks for the info! I think, it is not necessary to remove the plotUrl, but maybe would be nice to add the correct link somewhere, either on the QCG or the shifter instructions.