Module load Readout failed

In O2CTP lab setup in Meyrin this used to work:
[flp@cru-ctp2 aj]$ module load Readout
Loading Readout/v1.6.1-3
ERROR: Unable to locate a modulefile for ‘ReadoutCard/v0.30.0-2’
ERROR: Load of requirement ‘ReadoutCard/v0.30.0-2’ failed
Can somebody help?
Cheers, Anton

Hello Anton, can you please run the following commands as user root:

rpm -qa | grep ReadoutCard
grep ReadoutCard /var/log/yum*

I have updated ReadoutCard:

[flp@cru-server2 ~]$ module load Readout
Loading Readout/v1.5.9-3
  Loading requirement: BASE/1.0 FreeType/v2.10.1-15 GCC-Toolchain/v7.3.0-alice2-12 zlib/v1.2.8-68 libpng/v1.6.34-87 sqlite/v3.15.0-22 OpenSSL/v1.0.2o-34 libffi/v3.2.1-21 Python/v3.6.10-98 Python-modules/1.0-214 boost/v1.74.0-42
    Ppconsul/v0.2.1-8 Configuration/v2.5.0-22 ofi/v1.7.1-13 fmt/7.1.0-9 PDA/12.0.0-20 protobuf/v3.14.0-5 curl/7.70.0-23 Monitoring/v3.5.1-3 Common-O2/v1.5.0-16 lz4/v1.9.3-6 c-ares/v1.17.1-2 grpc/v1.34.0-alice1-3 asiofi/v0.3.1-120
    FairLogger/v1.9.0-18 ZeroMQ/v4.3.3-8 DDS/3.5.3-12 FairMQ/v1.4.28-10 flatbuffers/v1.11.0-38 libInfoLogger/v1.3.18-3 Control-OCCPlugin/v0.19.1-1 ReadoutCard/v0.28.0-1

But I see a different version of Readout…

Ooops, wrong machine. I repeated the install on cru-ctp2 and now it works…

Yes it is ok on cru-ctp2 now, thank you.
We have the same problem on cru-ctp3:

[flp@cru-ctp3 ~]$ module load Readout
Loading Readout/v1.6.1-3
  ERROR: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'ReadoutCard/v0.30.0-2'
  ERROR: Load of requirement 'ReadoutCard/v0.30.0-2' failed

Cheers, Anton

OK, I have applied the same fix as on ctp-cru2 to ctp-cru3.
– Roberto

Thanks, works now. Anton