In order to get a cleaner (IMO) display of objects in QCG, where things are presented in a hierarchy, I’ve simplified the name of one of our QC tasks (QcTaskMCHDigits → Digits simply), so what we see in the QCG is qc/MCH/MO/Digits instead of qc/MCH/MO/QcTaskMCHDigits, i.e. I wanted to remove the double MCH and get rid of the QcTask part.
Now, looking at the logs on the EPNs I realize that might not have been a very clever move as the logs then miss the detector name, e.g. QC-TASK-RUNNER-Digits_reco2_2021-10-23-11-29-10_7308557301115223548_out.log
Is there a way to have both a descriptive log file name and a simple QCG display name ?
(otherwise I guess for the time being, I should probably revert to QcTaskMCHDigits as a name ? )
It seems like a better naming overall and the QC knows what detector it is thanks to the config file. For the logs on the EPN, I am not sure how to do. Who sets this name ? Perhaps it could add the detector name ?
It seems that EPN logs just use the Data Processor name. For now, I would recommend that the task name uses something unique, otherwise there might be problems on merged EPN QC workflows (if there are two Digits tasks from different detectors, it will break).
@bvonhall Perhaps we could add detector name to Data Processor name? That will imply a big PR to ControlWorkflows after bumping QC, but we could do it after Pilot Beam or even once we have JIT.
some further input: for the TPC we are actually already using short task names exactly for the reasons descriped by Laurent, to keep things simple and avoid dublications. I would be very much in favour of a central solution like adding the detector name to the Data Processor name. In case this is not posing any issues right now, I also would not touch the TPC QC task names now, or you see a strong reason to do so?