O2-dpl-raw-proxy dropping payloads

Dear experts,

We are currently running our ITS QC online processing task with the chain of “CRU → Readout → STFB → Raw-proxy → QC” on flpits2-8, and have functionally verified with ITS inner barrel.

However, we got a problem after we updated the O2 to the latest version (1b6231f, on 23/Jun). Now it seems that only the first HBF payload (instead of 256) with the DataHeader for each STF is delivered from o2-dpl-raw-proxy to QC. I presume the issue might be related to the commit of 4bf2885 (DPL raw input proxy: Skipping merging of split parts in the external).

What shall we do to match the updated DPL raw input proxy? Here you can see our commands:

StfBuilder --id stf_builder-0 --transport shmem --detector ITS --detector-rdh 4 --detector-subspec feeid --verbosity veryhigh --session default --dpl-channel-name=dpl-chan --channel-config “name=dpl-chan,type=push,method=bind,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-builder-dpl-pipe-0,transport=shmem,rateLogging=1” --channel-config “name=readout,type=pull,method=connect,address=ipc:///tmp/readout-pipe-1,transport=shmem,rateLogging=1”
o2-dpl-raw-proxy -b --session default --dataspec “A:ITS/RAWDATA/6;B:FLP/DISTSUBTIMEFRAME/0” --channel-config “name=readout-proxy,type=pull,method=connect,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-builder-dpl-pipe-0,transport=shmem,rateLogging=1” | o2-qc --config json:///home/its/jliu/QualityControl/Framework/readout-0614.json -b --session default

Thank you.


Hi @jian,

Your observation matches the behaviour I see in the ticket . Please open a ticket and link the O2-1325


Hi @gneskovi,

Thanks for the info. I have created the JIRA ticket and linked it to the O2-1325.
