O2 installation crashes at ROOT6 - MacOS Mojave

Dear all,

I am trying to install O2 in my Mac (MacOS Mojave) through the command

aliBuild build O2Suite --defaults o2-dataflow

aliDoctor response is ok (only some warnings), but the building fails at ROOT6 ( ROOT@v6-20-02-alice3) with the log


Does anyone have any suggestion on how to fix it?

Thanks a lot in advance,


Dear silvia,

it looks like you have root installed from the system and sourced when you start compiling with aliBuild. Can you disable that?


Dear Giulio,

thanks a lot for the feedback. Looking into my bash configuration file, .bashrc (I work with the bash shell:

garibaldi:~ pisanos$ echo SHELL /bin/bash garibaldi:~ pisanos

) I see

export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

Execute alidock within the appropriate Python virtual environment

function alidock() {( source “/Users/pisanos/.virtualenvs/alidock/bin/activate” && command alidock "@"; exit ?; )}

source /usr/local/root/bin/thisroot.sh

export ALIBUILD_WORK_DIR="$HOME/alice/sw"
eval “alienv shell-helper

export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"

I tried to comment/remove the line

source /usr/local/root/bin/thisroot.sh

and reopen a new terminal, but I got the same error message as before when trying to build O2. Actually, even if I open a new terminal after the modification, I still see my ROOTSYS variable set to

garibaldi:alice pisanos$ echo ROOTSYS /usr/local/root garibaldi:alice pisanos

Isn’t it the proper way to implement your suggestion? If not, could you indicate me the correct one?

Thanks a lot in advance,


Can you please reformat your message using code blocks?

Dear Giulio,

thanks a lot for the feedback. Looking into my bash configuration file, .bashrc, I see

export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

# Execute alidock within the appropriate Python virtual environment
function alidock() {( source "/Users/pisanos/.virtualenvs/alidock/bin/activate" && command alidock "$@"; exit $?; )}

source /usr/local/root/bin/thisroot.sh

export ALIBUILD_WORK_DIR="$HOME/alice/sw"
eval "`alienv shell-helper`"

export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"

I tried to comment/remove the line

source /usr/local/root/bin/thisroot.sh

and reopen a new terminal, but I got the same error message as before when trying to build O2. Actually, even if I open a new terminal after the modification, I still see my ROOTSYS variable set to

garibaldi:alice pisanos$ echo ROOTSYS /usr/local/root garibaldi:alice pisanos

Isn’t it the proper way to implement your suggestion? If not, could you indicate me the correct one?

Thanks a lot in advance,


I am not sure how you can get ROOTSYS in the environment. Maybe you have something else setting it?

Hello Silvia,
in case you havent found a solution yet, I had the same issue:

TGLIncludes.h:21:10: fatal error: 'GL/glew.h' file not found
#include <GL/glew.h>
1 error generated.

You can fix this by adding the following line to root.sh in alidist:

There seems to be some kind of incompatibility when cmake tries to find a system version of glew on Mac. Current root master would give you a warning about this:

Hope this helps.