O2 workflows inside alidock cannot be run - libraries not found


I had to install O2 on an alidock installation as a temporary solution to a more conventional aliBuild build on my machine.

However, I am unable to run a workflow in my alidock instance:

[O2/latest] ~/datasets $> o2-analysis-lambdakzeroconsumer --aod-file AO2D.root -b
o2-analysis-lambdakzeroproducer: error while loading shared libraries: libRHTTP.so.6.20: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[O2/latest] ~/datasets $>


[O2/latest] ~/datasets $> o2-sim -m MFT -e TGeant3 -g fwmugen -n 1
o2-sim: error while loading shared libraries: libRHTTP.so.6.20: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[O2/latest] ~/datasets $>

Any idea why those libraries are not found? Those worked just fine in my aliBuild build before it broke when trying to update it.
