Problem with grid certificate setting up

alien_py.log (3.5 KB)
Dear All,
I have the problem when performing settings of Grid certificate according to these instructions:
I have usercert.pem and userkey.pem files in my ~/.globus directory, but when I type alien-token-init YOUR_ALIEN_USERNAME I obtain an error message as in attached file.
Can you please help me to deal with it?

Kind regards,
Oleksii Lubynets

Hi! 1st thing is that you do not need to add any username to alien-token-init
But the main problem is network related … try the command checkAddr and you need at least the entries that start with 128.142.249. to be OK
Also, quite weird seems to me the path /u/lubynets/.globus/usercert.pem
Is this valid? $HOME == /u/lubynets ?

Dear Adrian, thanks for your answer!
Yes, my $HOME is /u/lubynets
When I tried checkAddr I obtained plenty of addresses, but all with mark FAIL (as in the attached file).
alien_checkAddr_output.txt (1.1 KB)

So, you have a network problem that you need to fix…