Problems with the execution of the first task (myExampleTask.cxx - PWGMM)

LLVM ERROR: inconsistency in registered CommandLine options
Aborted (core dumped))

Hello dear experts! I come to you with a little big problem related to the execution of the example task (myExampleTask.cxx) from the Tutorials - more precisely that from the folder “PWGMM”! Every time when I try to run this example with “o2-analysistutorial-mm-my-example-task --aod-file AO2D.root” to produce an eta histogram … I get an error (LLVM ERROR). What should I do? (I want to mention that I installed ALICE O2Physics completely on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, with all dependencies). In the info I have attached what I receive “as output” …
(CommandLine Error: Option ‘use-dbg-addr’ registered more than once!
LLVM ERROR: inconsistency in registered CommandLine options
Aborted (core dumped)) - and I have LLVM version 14.0.0!
