Dear George, dear Barth,
thanks for your replies. So for the publishing of the objects and displaying the most recent ones via the QCG we do not have any isses, this also works without the consul.
Now, for me the questions remains, what about the connection from the reco workflow to the QC task? Up to now, what we do, is piping a QC task directly to the reco workflow. E.g., we first run a TPC O2 simulation, more precisely: the hit creation, digitisation and clusterisation. Afterwards, we start the reco workflow (performing the tracking) with a QC task directly piped to it. In this setup, first the reco workflow will run, finish the tracking, and when it is finished, provide the whole bunch of tracks once to the QC task. The QC task continues to run, but it will not receive further input. Now, what happens, when the reco workflow is running continuously (if I understand corretly, that would mean, in online mode)? In this latter case, we cannot use a simple pipe, because that would wait for the reco workflow to finish, which, however, is continuously running.
To me it is still unclear, how to get this connection from the continuously running reco workflow to the QC task, and whether for this we need the consul.