log.txt (85.6 KB)
Hello everyone, I am having really hard time building O2Physics environment on my laptop (Windows machine with Ubuntu 20.04 WLS). The error displayed is the following:
==> Updating repositories: done
==> Compiling GCC-Toolchain@v13.2.0-alice1 (use --debug for full output): failed
2024-10-02@09:43:01:ERROR:O2Physics:GCC-Toolchain:0: Error while executing /home/roccoliotino/alice/sw/SPECS/ubuntu2004_x86-64/GCC-Toolchain/v13.2.0-alice1-local1/build.sh on `LAPTOP-G879A06U’.
2024-10-02@09:43:01:ERROR:O2Physics:GCC-Toolchain:0: Log can be found in /home/roccoliotino/alice/sw/BUILD/GCC-Toolchain-latest/log
2024-10-02@09:43:01:ERROR:O2Physics:GCC-Toolchain:0: Please upload it to CERNBox/Dropbox if you intend to request support.
2024-10-02@09:43:01:ERROR:O2Physics:GCC-Toolchain:0: Build directory is /home/roccoliotino/alice/sw/BUILD/GCC-Toolchain-latest/GCC-Toolchain.
I had O2Physics last week but i needed to reinstall it from scratch and also after following the steps in the documentation, I’m still getting this. The build log is attached.
Thank you very much