Unable to locate a modulefile for 'ZeroMQ/-'

Dear all

i have installed O2 and QC. When I enter the enviroment I get the message
echo FairMQ/v1.4.19-1(24):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for ‘ZeroMQ/-’
This appears just before the list of all modules which are uploaded.

Most things seem to work normally … Could you advice how serious is this message? And if it is serious, what should I do?

thanks a lot and have a nice day



It is serious. Was it a fresh install ?

It happened to me when running aliBuild clean. I had to delete sw to fix it.


yes, it is fresh. I installed O2+QC this Sunday afternoon… any hint?




another comment. I am not sure what do you mean by fresh … I had some problems with mixing versions (I am git-allergic :(( ) and I also had several versions at the same time, so I deleted the corresponding directories in sw/BUILD. (That is, rm -rf for all directories related to O2 and QC).
Then I installed again …


Hi Guillermo,

I have two ideas: first, did you also update alidist? And then you could try:

aliBuild clean --aggressive

This cleans up old builds much more thoroughly than the simple aliBuild clean, it also removes the corresponding sources.


Hi Stefan

thanks for the hint. As Barth mentioned that the deleted sw, I just scratched the whole installation and I am now installing everything from scratch :slight_smile:
AliPhysics is happyly compiling now. I will report here if after I finish with O2+QC the problem disappears.

Anyway, thanks a lot to both of you!

have a nice afternoon


Dear all

I install everything from scratch and I still get the same message:

jgcn@Guillermos-MacBook-Pro alice3 % alienv enter O2Suite/latest-o2
FairMQ/v1.4.19-1(24):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for ‘ZeroMQ/-’
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:

Could you please give hits so that I can get a diagnostic that may help you/other experts to guess what may be wrong?

the exact installation procedure is below

thanks a lot for any help
have a nice day


ps I started today in the morning with these commands and all of them ended successfully just a moment ago:

mkdir alice3
cd alice3
aliBuild init O2@dev --defaults o2
aliBuild init QualityControl@master --defaults o2

cd ~/alice3/alidist
git checkout master
git pull --rebase

cd ~/alice3/O2
git checkout dev
git pull --rebase
cd …
aliBuild build O2 --defaults o2

cd ~/alice3/QualityControl
git checkout master
git pull --rebase
cd …
aliBuild build O2Suite --defaults o2

I’ve seen similar but on CentoOS where the ZeroMQ is picked up from the system package (alibuild --always-prefer-system).
@sy-c, I think the ZeroMQ module must expand to nothing if it’s picked up from the system, like it’s done here.

@gneskovi thank you for spotting this. https://github.com/alisw/alidist/pull/2308/files should fix the issue.

Dear all

thanks a lot for the solution to this problem. Today I rebuild the code and now the message about the missing module does not appear

have a nice weekend
