More explicit crash message:
O2/latest-dev-o2] ~/alice $> o2-sim -m MFT -e TGeant3 -g boxgen -n 1
[INFO] This is o2-sim version 1.2.0 (c2d5cf418)
[INFO] Built by ALIBUILD:1.8.0, ALIDIST-REV:38b2a5b9793016058c3a0cab69d5f6c509870f2d on OS:Linux-5.4.0-125-generic
[INFO] BINDING TO ADDRESS ipc:///tmp/o2sim-notifications-13174 type pub
[INFO] Running with 2 sim workers
Spawning particle server on PID 13177; Redirect output to o2sim_serverlog
Spawning sim worker 0 on PID 13179; Redirect output to o2sim_workerlog0
Spawning hit merger on PID 13180; Redirect output to o2sim_mergerlog
[INFO] Problem detected (or child received termination signal) … shutting down whole system
[INFO] Merger process 13180 returned
[INFO] Simulation process took 27.4611 s
[O2/latest-dev-o2] ~/alice $>
[O2/latest-dev-o2] ~/alice $>
[O2/latest-dev-o2] ~/alice $>
[O2/latest-dev-o2] ~/alice $>
[O2/latest-dev-o2] ~/alice $> o2-sim-serial -m MFT -e TGeant3 -g boxgen -n 1
[10:10:03][INFO] Init CcdApi with UserAgentID: clraliceport15-1667380203-PkIIk3, Host:
[10:10:03][INFO] Init CcdApi with UserAgentID: clraliceport15-1667380203-PkIIk3, Host:
[10:10:03][ERROR] Could not setup CCDB connection
[10:10:04][INFO] RNG INITIAL SEED 2957069386520985616
[10:10:04][INFO] Media file used: /home/manso/alice/sw/ubuntu1804_x86-64/O2/dev-local1/share/Detectors/Geometry/media.geo
[10:10:04][INFO] MagneticField::CreateField: Maximim possible beam energy for requested beam is assumed
[10:10:04][INFO] MagneticField::Print: Maps:
[10:10:04][INFO] MagneticField::Print: Solenoid (-1*)5 kG, Dipole ON (-1)
[10:10:04][INFO] MagneticField::Print: Machine B fields for p-p beam (7000 GeV): QGrad: 22.0002 Dipole: 37.8781
[10:10:04][INFO] MagneticField::Print: Uses Sol30_Dip6_Hole of $(O2_ROOT)/share/Common/maps/mfchebKGI_sym.root
[10:10:04][INFO] Activating MFT module
[10:10:04][INFO] Reading out MFT detector
*** TDatabasePDG::AddParticle: particle with PDGcode=3124 already defined
*** TDatabasePDG::AddAntiParticle: can’t redefine parameters
[10:10:04][INFO] Init generic box generator with following parameters
[10:10:04][INFO] BoxGun.pdg : 211 [ CODE ]
BoxGun.number : 10 [ CODE ]
BoxGun.eta[0] : -1 [ CODE ]
BoxGun.eta[1] : 1 [ CODE ]
BoxGun.prange[0] : 0.1 [ CODE ]
BoxGun.prange[1] : 5 [ CODE ]
BoxGun.phirange[0] : 0 [ CODE ]
BoxGun.phirange[1] : 360 [ CODE ]
BoxGun.debug : false [ CODE ]
[10:10:04][INFO] Reading out MFT detector
[10:10:04][INFO] FairRootFileSink initialized.
[10:10:04][INFO] - cbmroot_0
[10:10:04][INFO] - o2sim.root
Info in TGeoManager::TGeoManager: Geometry FAIRGeom, FAIR geometry created
[10:10:04][INFO] FairGeoMedia: Read media
[10:10:04][INFO] MagFieldContFact::createContainer: Creating mag.field container MagFieldParam
[10:10:04][INFO] Loading simulation plugin libO2G3Setup
[10:10:04][INFO] Setting up G3 sim from library code
Virtual Monte Carlo Library
Version 2.0 ( 10 February 2022 )
Geant3 Virtual Monte Carlo
Version 4.1 ( 17 March 2022 )
MZSTOR. ZEBRA table base TAB(0) in /MZCC/ at adr 688417655 29086B77 HEX
MZSTOR. Initialize Store 0 in /GCBANK/
with Store/Table at absolute adrs 682971997 688417655
HEX 28B5535D 29086B77
relative adrs -5446190 0
with 1 Str. in 2 Links in 5300 Low words in 4999970 words.
This store has a fence of 16 words.
MZLOGL. Set Log Level 0 for store 0
1***** GEANT Version 3.21/11 Released on 100298
0***** Correction Cradle Version 0.1100
MZDIV. Initialize Division Constant in Store 0
NW/NWMAX= 20004000000, MODE/KIND= 1 2
Division 20 initialized.
MZLINK. Initialize Link Area /GCLINK/ for Store 0 NL/NS= 20 20
MZLINK. Initialize Link Area /GCSLNK/ for Store 0 NL/NS= 100 100
-I- G3Config: Geant3 with TGeo has been created.
[10:10:04][INFO] Stack.storeSecondaries : true [ CODE ]
Stack.pruneKine : true [ CODE ]
Stack.transportPrimary : all [ CODE ]
Stack.transportPrimaryFileName : [ CODE ]
Stack.transportPrimaryFuncName : [ CODE ]
Stack.transportPrimaryInvert : false [ CODE ]
| |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | PPP Y Y TTTTT H H III A Welcome to the Lund Monte Carlo! | |
| | P P Y Y T H H I A A This is PYTHIA version 8.304 | |
| | PPP Y T HHHHH I AAAAA Last date of change: 9 Apr 2021 | |
| | P Y T H H I A A | |
| | P Y T H H III A A Now is 02 Nov 2022 at 10:10:04 | |
| | | |
| | Christian Bierlich; Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, | |
| | Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden; | |
| | e-mail: | |
| | Nishita Desai; Department of Theoretical Physics, Tata Institute, | |
| | Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400005, India; | |
| | e-mail: | |
| | Leif Gellersen; Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, | |
| | Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden; | |
| | e-mail: | |
| | Ilkka Helenius; Department of Physics, University of Jyvaskyla, | |
| | P.O. Box 35, FI-40014 University of Jyvaskyla, Finland; | |
| | e-mail: | |
| | Philip Ilten; Department of Physics, | |
| | University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, USA; | |
| | e-mail: | |
| | Leif Lonnblad; Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, | |
| | Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden; | |
| | e-mail: | |
| | Stephen Mrenna; Computing Division, Simulations Group, | |
| | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, MS 234, Batavia, IL 60510, USA; | |
| | e-mail: | |
| | Stefan Prestel; Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, | |
| | Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden; | |
| | e-mail: | |
| | Christian Preuss; School of Physics and Astronomy, | |
| | Monash University, PO Box 27, 3800 Melbourne, Australia; | |
| | e-mail: | |
| | Torbjorn Sjostrand; Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, | |
| | Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden; | |
| | e-mail: | |
| | Peter Skands; School of Physics and Astronomy, | |
| | Monash University, PO Box 27, 3800 Melbourne, Australia; | |
| | e-mail: | |
| | Marius Utheim; Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, | |
| | Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden; | |
| | e-mail: | |
| | Rob Verheyen; Department of Physics and Astronomy, | |
| | University College London, Gower St, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 6BT, UK; | |
| | e-mail: | |
| | | |
| | The main program reference is ‘An Introduction to PYTHIA 8.2’, | |
| | T. Sjostrand et al, Comput. Phys. Commun. 191 (2015) 159 | |
| | [arXiv:1410.3012 [hep-ph]] | |
| | | |
| | The main physics reference is the ‘PYTHIA 6.4 Physics and Manual’, | |
| | T. Sjostrand, S. Mrenna and P. Skands, JHEP05 (2006) 026 [hep-ph/0603175] | |
| | | |
| | An archive of program versions and documentation is found on the web: | |
| | PYTHIA | Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics | |
| | | |
| | This program is released under the GNU General Public Licence version 2. | |
| | Please respect the MCnet Guidelines for Event Generator Authors and Users. | |
| | | |
| | Disclaimer: this program comes without any guarantees. | |
| | Beware of errors and use common sense when interpreting results. | |
| | | |
| | Copyright (C) 2021 Torbjorn Sjostrand | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
[10:10:04][INFO] Init ‘DecayerPythia8’ with following parameters
[10:10:04][INFO] DecayerPythia8.config[0] : ${O2_ROOT}/share/Generators/pythia8/decays/base.cfg [ CODE ]
DecayerPythia8.config[1] : [ CODE ]
DecayerPythia8.config[2] : [ CODE ]
DecayerPythia8.config[3] : [ CODE ]
DecayerPythia8.config[4] : [ CODE ]
DecayerPythia8.config[5] : [ CODE ]
DecayerPythia8.config[6] : [ CODE ]
DecayerPythia8.config[7] : [ CODE ]
DecayerPythia8.verbose : false [ CODE ]
DecayerPythia8.showChanged : false [ CODE ]
[10:10:04][INFO] Reading configuration from file: /home/manso/alice/sw/ubuntu1804_x86-64/O2/dev-local1/share/Generators/pythia8/decays/base.cfg
------- PYTHIA Flag + Mode + Parm + Word + FVec + MVec + PVec + WVec Settings (changes only) ------------------
| |
| Name | Now | Default Min Max |
| | | |
| Init:showChangedParticleData | off | on |
| ProcessLevel:all | off | on |
| |
------- End PYTHIA Flag + Mode + Parm + Word + FVec + MVec + PVec + WVec Settings -----------------------------
[10:10:05][INFO] Setup global cuts and processes
[10:10:05][INFO] Set default settings for processes and cuts.
[10:10:05][INFO] Special process settings are enabled.
[10:10:05][INFO] Special cut settings are enabled.
[10:10:05][INFO] Adding custom particles to VMC
Error in TGeant3TGeo::SetParticle: Particle already exists.
Error in TGeant3TGeo::SetParticle: Particle already exists.
Particle -311 not in geant
Particle 311 not in geant
Error in TGeant3TGeo::SetParticle: Unknown particle transport.
Error in TGeant3TGeo::SetParticle: Unknown particle transport.
[10:10:05][INFO] Printing ‘SimUserDecay’ parameters
[10:10:05][INFO] SimUserDecay.pdglist : [ CODE ]
[10:10:05][INFO] Initialising primary generator
[10:10:05][INFO] Setting interaction diamond: position = {0,0,0} cm
[10:10:05][INFO] Setting interaction diamond: width = {0,0,0} cm
[10:10:05][INFO] FairBoxGenerator: particle with PDG =211 Found
[10:10:05][INFO] Field in CAVE: 2
[10:10:05][INFO] Setting up CAVE without ZDC
Info in TGeoManager::SetTopVolume: Top volume is cave. Master volume is cave
Info in TGeoNavigator::BuildCache: — Maximum geometry depth set to 100
[10:10:05][INFO] GeometryBuilder::buildGeometry volume name = MFT
Info in : Creating HeatExchanger_0_0
Creating MFT heat exchanger for disk0 bottom
Info in : … done HeatExchanger_0_0
Info in : Creating HeatExchanger_1_0
Creating MFT heat exchanger for disk1 bottom
Info in : … done HeatExchanger_1_0
Info in : Creating HeatExchanger_2_0
Creating MFT heat exchanger for disk2 bottom
Info in : … done HeatExchanger_2_0
Info in : Creating HeatExchanger_3_0
Creating MFT heat exchanger for disk3 bottom
Info in : … done HeatExchanger_3_0
Info in : Creating HeatExchanger_4_0
Creating MFT heat exchanger for disk4 bottom
Info in : … done HeatExchanger_4_0
Info in : Creating HeatExchanger_0_1
Creating MFT heat exchanger for disk0 top
Info in : … done HeatExchanger_0_1
Info in : Creating HeatExchanger_1_1
Creating MFT heat exchanger for disk1 top
Info in : … done HeatExchanger_1_1
Info in : Creating HeatExchanger_2_1
Creating MFT heat exchanger for disk2 top
Info in : … done HeatExchanger_2_1
Info in : Creating HeatExchanger_3_1
Creating MFT heat exchanger for disk3 top
Info in : … done HeatExchanger_3_1
Info in : Creating HeatExchanger_4_1
Creating MFT heat exchanger for disk4 top
Info in : … done HeatExchanger_4_1
Info in TGeoManager::CheckGeometry: Fixing runtime shapes…
Info in TGeoManager::CheckGeometry: …Nothing to fix
Info in TGeoManager::CloseGeometry: Counting nodes…
Info in TGeoManager::Voxelize: Voxelizing…
Info in TGeoManager::CloseGeometry: Building cache…
Info in TGeoManager::CountLevels: max level = 8, max placements = 138
Info in TGeoManager::CloseGeometry: 50040 nodes/ 24325 volume UID’s in FAIR geometry
Info in TGeoManager::CloseGeometry: ----------------modeler ready----------------
[10:10:08][INFO] TGeometry will not be imported to VMC
Warning in TGeoManager::CloseGeometry: geometry already closed
Info in TGeoManager::Export: Exporting ccdb_object FAIR geometry as root file. Optimizations streamed.
[10:10:09][INFO] Init CcdApi with UserAgentID: clraliceport15-1667380203-PkIIk3, Host:
[10:10:09][ALARM] Curl request to failed with result 60, response code: -1
[10:10:09][FATAL] Got nullptr from CCDB for path MFT/Calib/Align and timestamp 1667380203849
For later analysis we write a core dump to core_dump_13379
Abandon (core dumped)